These three tips will help you attract talent to your real estate team.
Do you know how to attract talent to your real estate team? If you’re wanting to expand your business, there are a few things you need to focus on. To help with this, I’m sharing three tips that our group uses to create a good attraction model.
It all starts with you. The first thing you need to focus on is becoming a better leader so people will want to follow you. One of my favorite authors and speakers, John Maxwell, says that everything rises and falls on leadership. Becoming a good leader will help you attract top talent to your organization.
Know your unique value proposition. In other words, why would an agent want to join your real estate team instead of all of the other options out there? You need to write down what you offer and what sets you apart. Maybe it’s a certain split, business cards, signs, leads, departments, etc. Whatever you offer, make sure you write it down and that you’re familiar with the list, so when you come across someone looking for a real estate team, you can show them the things you do to provide for your agents.
Schedule time. It’s important to have time for making relationships with people who you want on your team. You could take them out for coffee, speak on panels, or even connect with your database to let them know that you’re looking for talent. The key is to set time aside. We all know if it’s not in your schedule, it doesn’t exist, right? Therefore, schedule time for forming relationships.